We are pulled in a million different directions. Everything from work meetings (that probably could’ve been an email), networking lunches, dropping your kids off at school, deciding what to make for dinner, and making it to your fitness class on time. Whew! The start of the new year is a great time to review what’s important to you. And, find time to do what you enjoy doing more! And, it can even … [Read more...] about Why De-Prioritizing Things Is Healthy And Can Actually Help You Financially
9 Must-Do Financial Tasks To Check Off Your Year-End List
Year-end is a special time filled with traditions, old and new, and hopefully space to relax, decompress, and prepare for a wonderful new year. As the final days of the year rapidly approach, it’s important to carve out intentional time to ready your finances for next year. What should go on your year-end to-do list? Here are nine financial elements you won’t want to forget! 1. De-clutter Your … [Read more...] about 9 Must-Do Financial Tasks To Check Off Your Year-End List
How To Actually Solve Your Work-Life Balance Dilemma And Stop Band-Aiding Burnout
If someone asks you this question: How’s work going? Perhaps the most standard answer is some version of “oh, good, just busy.” Many people equate business with productivity and worth, a dangerous combination that can leave you emotionally drained. And over time, that cycle can slowly lead to you feeling deeply unfulfilled at work and home. Prioritizing work-life balance is a central tenet to … [Read more...] about How To Actually Solve Your Work-Life Balance Dilemma And Stop Band-Aiding Burnout
What’s Your “Enough” Number? And How Can It Help You Live Your Best Life
When you think about having enough money, what comes to mind? Is it never worrying about money again? The freedom of making a significant career change? Taking a well-deserved sabbatical? Moving to a scenic location? Finally adjusting your lifestyle where work doesn’t have to be your first priority? Those all sound like pretty dreamy scenarios, but how can you take these hypotheticals and … [Read more...] about What’s Your “Enough” Number? And How Can It Help You Live Your Best Life
5 Meaningful Ways To Invest For Your Children Long-Term
Parenting—it’s perhaps the most rewarding and expensive thing you’ll ever do. Oh, and by the way, you wouldn’t happen to have over a quarter of a million dollars lying around? Why, you might ask? Because a recent Brookings Institution study found that in today’s dollars, a two-parent household will spend about $300,000 (or $18,000 a year) to raise one (yes, only one) child in the … [Read more...] about 5 Meaningful Ways To Invest For Your Children Long-Term
Will The Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Impact You? Here’s The Inside Scoop
You’ve seen the headlines: like fall, student loan forgiveness is in the air (and that air certainly smells sweet). On August 24th, President Biden announced his plan for student loan forgiveness and ongoing student debt relief for current and future borrowers. While the plan details are buried in the White House brief, the magic number making headlines is $10,000—that’s how much you may … [Read more...] about Will The Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Impact You? Here’s The Inside Scoop