Life insurance is the one type of insurance that isn’t really about protecting yourself. It’s there to protect anyone who depends on you for financial support. If you die unexpectedly or before you planned to retire, your life insurance policy will pay out to your named beneficiaries. This money can replace your income so your family can continue paying their bills or cover additional expenses, … [Read more...] about The Gen Y Planning Guide to Insurance: Life Insurance
life insurance
Protect Yourself and Your Stuff – An Insurance Overview
Many millennials don’t associate insurance as part of their financial picture, but it’s an important piece of financial planning. We are so focused on saving, paying down debt, and investing, that we sometimes forget about protection planning. Please note: every person’s situation is different so it’s important to work with a comprehensive financial planner to make sure you have the … [Read more...] about Protect Yourself and Your Stuff – An Insurance Overview