When you think of people who use financial advisors, you may not consider yourself the right demographic. But it may surprise you that plenty of advisors cater to people who aren’t retired millionaires. There are plenty of reasons for younger people to engage with a financial advisor well before retirement age. If you’re wondering if it’s the right time to speak with a professional about your … [Read more...] about 5 Telltale Signs You Might Need a Financial Advisor
A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned, Or Is It Invested?
You’re likely familiar with the saying, A penny saved is a penny earned. It sounds like the type of vague financial advice you might hear from your relatives around the holiday table. But how is that penny earning anything? If it’s stuck in a traditional savings account, likely not much since the current national average return on a savings account is 0.06%. Even my favorite high … [Read more...] about A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned, Or Is It Invested?
17 Investing Terms Millennials Should Understand
Do you have lots of savings in cash, but not much invested for retirement? If so, you're not alone. A majority of Millennials prefer to keep their assets in cash and don't trust the idea of putting money into the market. That's not too surprising, since many members of Gen Y started life "in the real world" right before or during the Great Recession. We saw our parents retirement accounts crash … [Read more...] about 17 Investing Terms Millennials Should Understand