Lots of credit cards have partnerships with airlines or hotel chains, and lots offer bonus points or cash back when you use your card on travel. Your card might be co-branded, like the Southwest Rapid Rewards card from Chase. Or you might have the option each month to redeem a certain number of points on qualifying expenses. During the last year of cancelled vacations and weekends spent … [Read more...] about Credit Card Rewards During And After The Pandemic
When Nothing Goes According To Plan, Having A Plan Matters Most
Even if you didn’t experience financial instability in 2020, it’s OK if this feels like a lost year. Be kind to yourself. You don’t have to hustle your way through the pandemic. If you lost some or all of your income, had to delay a big financial step, or had to stop saving for retirement, you’re far from alone. One in three American adults has had to pull money from their savings or … [Read more...] about When Nothing Goes According To Plan, Having A Plan Matters Most
Pandemic Savings Habits To Adopt For The Long Term
The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging across the U.S., and it has affected every aspect of our lives. Millions of people have lost their jobs. The federal government passed an enormous stimulus package and may pass another one soon. Most of us haven’t eaten in a restaurant, watched a sporting event, hugged a friend, or boarded a plane in months. Some industries, like movie theaters and cruises, … [Read more...] about Pandemic Savings Habits To Adopt For The Long Term