This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to Life Insurance/Wills? I’m 27 and have $60,000 in life insurance through my employer. I have $120,000 in student loans ($60,000 private, $60,000 government) plus a $9,000 car loan. I have no credit card debt. I’m single and live … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: Do I Need an Estate Plan?
Ask Gen Y Planning: Is Student Loan Debt Worth It?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to I am a high schooler getting ready to apply to colleges soon and would like to ask for your expert financial opinion. Do you think it is a smart decision to go out of state to university? If I do, I would have undergrad debt … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: Is Student Loan Debt Worth It?
Ask Gen Y Planning: Where Should I Keep My Savings?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to Where should I keep my savings? There’s plenty of advice out there for retirement savings but very little about other savings. What should I do with my savings after I have a good amount set aside for a safety net (for example, if … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: Where Should I Keep My Savings?
Ask Gen Y Planning: How Do We Handle the Most Expensive Time of Our Lives?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to My husband and I are in our early 30’s and are expecting our second child. My husband is an electrician and his firm does not have disability or life insurance benefits, nor does it have a 401(k). I am worried that we aren’t set … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: How Do We Handle the Most Expensive Time of Our Lives?
Ask Gen Y Planning: How Should I Invest My Inheritance?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to I am about to inherit $100,000. I am the first person in my family to ever receive an inheritance. What is a good low-risk investment that will protect the principle? This is a timely question, as many millennials stand to receive … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: How Should I Invest My Inheritance?
Ask Gen Y Planning: Should I Invest in Cryptocurrency?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to What are your thoughts on Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies) as an investment? Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency are the new hotness when it comes to investing, but I urge you to be really cautious. Cryptocurrency isn’t … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: Should I Invest in Cryptocurrency?