Nothing inspires my writing more than what my clients and readers (like you!) ask me about. Since I started my blog, your questions, like your lives, have become more complicated. I want to highlight the most popular blog posts of the past year, because they cover some meaty topics that I know many of you are wondering about right now. Just in case you missed them the first time, here they are … [Read more...] about The Top 5 Gen Y Planning Blog Posts of the Year
Ask Gen Y Planning: How Do I Become an Amazing Advisor?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to What is your best advice for someone like me (23 years old, almost a CFP) who is wanting to be the best advisor they can be? First of all, bravo for finishing your CFP by 23! That’s such a huge advantage to get started early. … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: How Do I Become an Amazing Advisor?
5 Big Takeaways From My First 5 Years In Business
I can’t believe that I launched Gen Y Planning in May of 2013! I just celebrated my five-year anniversary by taking a trip to London to see Hamilton on the West End with my business bestie, Mary Beth from Workable Wealth. Our box seats included our own personal butler and the show was fantastic! Like lots of businesses, Gen Y Planning started out simply as an idea. I bet many of you have ideas … [Read more...] about 5 Big Takeaways From My First 5 Years In Business
Ask Gen Y Planning: How to Financially Support Family?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to What should the financial planning look like when you have a parent who has no retirement saved up and won’t be working much longer due to health issues? My mother-in-law rents in a bad part of town, works at temp jobs, is turning … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: How to Financially Support Family?
Ask Gen Y Planning: How to Manage Small Business Finances?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to I’m starting a business in 2018 and one of the major things I need to learn about as an entrepreneur is managing my business’ finances and understanding tax requirements for small businesses. Is this something you could talk … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: How to Manage Small Business Finances?
Ask Gen Y Planning: Should I Be a Socially Responsible Investor?
This question was submitted by a reader! Do you have a money question you’d like Gen Y Planning to answer in a future blog post? Submit it to I would like to learn more about the pros and cons of socially responsible investing (e.g. VFTSX fund instead of VTSAX). What are the criteria used for picking stocks in funds like that? Socially responsible investing has … [Read more...] about Ask Gen Y Planning: Should I Be a Socially Responsible Investor?