Helping a client with their financial plan involves a lot of conversations about numerical data. We chat about their current net worth, their debts, the amount they have in savings, and their financial goals like buying a home or retiring.
My clients are in a phase of life that comes with a ton of change — they’re completing their educations, moving to new cities, starting businesses, buying homes, getting married, having kids, helping elderly relatives…in short, they’re making some pretty serious life decisions.
A financial plan should involve a lot of other considerations beyond just your money: it takes into account your career, your emotional and physical health, your relationships, and your happiness level. These are all things that affect your ability to build wealth and create the life you really want, and you can’t exactly assign a number value to them.
I read a lot of financial books and blogs, attend financial planning conferences, and listen to a lot of money-themed podcasts. Because I often find that my clients are seeking guidance in other areas of their lives, I have a running list of other resources I turn to and recommend to others.
- Ask a Manager: Alison Green offers practical, modern career advice, covering everything from how to deal when your coworker steals your lunch to how to land a new job. If your parents keep telling you to “pound the pavement” when job hunting (whatever that even means anymore), turn to Ask a Manager to learn about today’s hiring norms. You have her permission to ignore your uncle when he tells you to hand in your job application in person.
- Savage Love: I often say that talking about money is like talking about sex: it’s really important, and no one wants to do it. I actually met Dan Savage at a conference recently, and he’s hilarious! There is no question too awkward for him to answer in a frank and honest manner. Savage Love covers some NSFW material, so this might be best to read at home.
- Captain Awkward: No coworker is too creepy, no parent too pushy, and no ex-boyfriend too crappy for author Jennifer to deal with. Her advice is actionable, yet compassionate, and the comments section of each post is a great place to turn for thoughtful discussion.
- Yes and Yes: Sarah Von Bargen writes a “lifestyle blog for smart, funny people.” She and her guest writers cover careers, money, fashion, travel, self-improvement, and more. She also leads a Facebook community called Money & Happy, where you can get support on your financial journey, whether you’re paying off debt or just trying to spend your money more wisely.
- Marc and Angel: I love this site for advice on how to live a bolder, happier, simpler life. If you’ve been feeling a bit stuck, there is probably a post or two on this blog that will really speak to you.
- James Clear: He write about a variety of different topics but talks a lot about habits, especially how small habits over time can lead to big changes in all areas of your life. He also has some amazing lists! Whether it’s a book or a podcast that you’re in the mood for, his site has a few killer lists that will point you in the right direction. We spoke at a conference together last year, and he’s also a really down-to-earth guy.